The Better Business Bureau of Central Indiana

BBB’s mission is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. BBB accomplishes this mission by:

  • Creating a community of trustworthy businesses
  • Setting standards for marketplace trust
  • Encouraging and supporting best practices
  • Celebrating marketplace role models, and;
  • Denouncing substandard marketplace behavior

BBB Accreditation is an honor – and not every company is eligible. Businesses that meet the BBB high standards are invited to join BBB. Businesses meeting BBB standards are presented to local Boards of Directors (or designees) for review and acceptance as a BBB Accredited Business.

All BBB accredited businesses have agreed to live up to our Principles for Trust. Our Principles for Trust are a comprehensive set of policies, procedures and best practices focused on how businesses should treat the public – fairly and honestly in all circumstances.

Euro Motorworks has been a BBB accredited business since 1998. We have always maintained their highest rating and 18 of the 20 years we have been accredited we have been designated a Complaint Free Business. This is quite an accomplishment, as automotive repair is one of their most complained about areas!